a helper for using structured data to populate various image placeholder sources.
npm install img-placeholder-src
Choose your options and hit update to load the new placeholder image. Keep in mind, not all options are supported by each placeholder image service.
Here are examples of all the provided image placeholder services as well as an example of a custom image service. Each of these examples uses the same image data but the url is generated from a different IPS image service.
See Usage docs for details
Default Source
Default Srcset
Lorempixel Source
Lorempixel Srcset
Fillmurray Source
Fillmurray Srcset
Placecage Source
Placecage Srcset
Placeimg Source
Placeimg Srcset
Satyr Source
Satyr Srcset
Custom Source (placekitten)
Custom Srcset (placekitten)
Passing the unique
option increments the photo image size by one. This forces the image services to provide a different image, rather that sending the same image for matching dimension requests.
See API docs for details
Setting a serviceOverride
option when initializing a IPS instance will force all placeholder images to use that service.
See API docs for details